Welcome to A Brilliant Foundation

We look beyond the problems and help treat the underlying causes of learning and/or behavioral difficulties.

These are but a sample of things that we address:

  • Sensory Issues
  • Dyslexia
  • Difficulties with:
    • Reading 
    • Writing
    • Spelling
    • Math
  • ADD / ADHD
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Fear and Anxiety
  • Social immaturity
  • and so many more…
An organized brain
= an organized life.

Looking for Answers?

If you’re looking for some answers and are not quite ready to sign up but would like to know more about what we do at A Brilliant Foundation, please fill out the contact form with a brief questionnaire and someone will get back to you very soon with some answers.

Tell us about your situation

Use our Contact Form to tell us more about your specific concerns.

Most Frequently Asked Questions
  • I’m ready to Sign Up! What’s The Process in getting started?
  • What does The Program include?
Keep reading to answer both of those questions…

The Process

  1. Contact us via our Contact Form.
  2. We call you and agree on an appointment date and time.
  3. You pay a deposit towards your first evaluation and program.
  4. We send you an online history form, which you fill out and submit.
  5. You’ll  receive a “Welcome Email” with information.
  6. You’ll attend a two-hour appointment.
    • First Hour is for the evaluation, which may include academics, math, reading and reading comprehension (as age appropriate).
    • Second Hour is spend reviewing the findings and giving you a program that you’ll follow for four months.

The Program

Our brain-training program is based on the fascinating science of neuroplasticity, which refers to the “ability of the brain to change in response to new demands or sensations from the environment” regardless of age!

“The only place you’ll find success before work is in the dictionary.”
Neuroplasticity is what gives us the ability to change the brain to affect learning and behavior. To achieve neuroplasticity, we work in all these areas:
Stimulation of the five physical senses
Processing games to expand cognitive ability
Movement and Balance to stimulate the Central Nervous System

In order to improve neuroplasticity, repetitive and consistent activities are required. We call this “specific stimulation”.

Just like Olympic athletes train by doing repetitive activities day in and day out to be the best in the world at what they do, an individual on our brain-training program will do neurodevelopmental activities for a specific amount of time each day.

Brain-training requires you to do an activity frequently with great intensity for a short duration of time in order to achieve the desired outcome. The program can take 1-2 years or more depending on a person’s starting point and how the program is applied.

If like an Olympic athlete you are willing to put in the time and effort needed, you will see great success!

You must be proactive, dedicated and persevere to see true changes that last. We will give you the knowledge and support you need ​to take an active role in helping your child become a future leader.

Did you know… chronological age and intellect are not the only factors for learning, behavior, and life-long success? A huge factor in a person’s success is the developmental foundation on which they stand. If some developmental steps were not completed, or for some reason lost, then gaps in the developmental foundation can lead to all sorts of symptoms; i.e. learning, social, and behavior issues. We offer drug-free, non-invasive treatments that look behind the problems and help treat the underlying causes of learning and/or behavioral difficulties.
Did you know… continued development, learning, and overall function is not limited by age? The wonderful plasticity of the brain even allows for adults to overcome learning and/or social struggles, as well as time-management difficulties. We also have programs to help older adults enter into the latter years of life by working on areas to improve balance and short-term memory. 
If you are interested in learning more about our brain training program and how we can help. Contact Us
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